Corporal Harry Bell
Personal Details
- 3441344 Corporal
- Harry Bell
- 15 Bomb Disposal Company
- Royal Engineers
Died on the 14th April 1945. Aged 38.
Buried at Ravenna War Cemetery, Italy.
Grave/Memorial I C 27.
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Please could you tell me how my grandad died. I’ve been trying to find out. For my mother who was corporal h Bell daughter. She has past away age 82 not knowing what happened to her father my grandad thankyou
Apologise for delay in replying. I am sorry but we do not have any details on our records. Might I suggest that you apply for his service records, through the Veterans Agency UK. They have link on their that will take you through the process. If you do find any more details i will add them on here for you. Any thin that we can help you with please contact me
Please could you tell me how my grandad died. I’ve been trying to find out. For my mother who was corporal h Bell daughter. She has past away age 82 not knowing what happened to her father my grandad thankyou . Also if you have photograph I have never seen my grandad no pictures art all.
Found the following details from his casualty card, not much to go on and no mention of how he was wounded.
Died of wounds. 12/4/45 wounded right leg amputated above the knee left leg below the knee