Lance Sergeant Sydney John Dawton
Personal Details
- 6283008 Lance Sergeant
- Sydney John Dawton
- 14 Bomb Disposal Company
- Royal Engineers
Son of Ooger and Betty Dawton: Husband of Madge Dawton of Hyde Park, Leeds.
Died on the 3rd August 1944. Aged 36.
Buried at Redcar Cemetery.
Plot R Row 1 Grave 5.
Incident details.
On the 3rd August 1944 Lieutenant R. Stewart and Lance Sergeant S.J. Dawton were engaged in mine clearance operations at Redcar.
A stray dog ran into the minefield and detonated a mine. Normally the dog’s weight would not have been enough to detonate the mine, however over a period of time the internal workings had become rusted and weakened.
This one mine set of a chain reaction, about half of the mines in the field detonated. Lieutenant H. Beckingham recovered the bodies.
Details extracted from Bomb Disposal British Casualties WWII. Chris Ranstead.
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This was my mums Barbara Ella dawton’s dad So sad My mum said she was young when he died and her mum madge worked as a nurse to support the family and my mum helped to look after her two siblings John and Jean She missed her dad