2nd Lieutenant Leslie William Eade Foster
Incident Report
Connor Road, Dagenham
On the 5th October 1940 at 121 Connor Road, Dagenham, 5 Bomb Disposal Company were tasked with the removal of an unexploded bomb. This was uncovered in the front garden and found to be fitted with two fuses. A decision was made to move the bomb; the fuses were of an anti-disturbance type. The bomb exploded killing Lieutenants W.F.J. Ash and L. Foster. Sappers L. Hitchcock, R. Lewis also Driver E. Websdale. Others including B. Woolhouse survived seven sappers were taken to hospital. Three later returned to Bomb Disposal duties, the others having to leave the services due to their injuries. Details taken from Bomb Disposal Casualties WW11. Chris Ranstead.Personal Details
- 100603 2nd Lieutenant
- Leslie William Eade Foster
- 5 Bomb Disposal Company.
- Royal Engineers
Son of William Frederick and Bertha Stella Foster: Husband of Kathleen Foster of Thames Ditton. P.A.S.I.
Died on the 7th October 1940. Aged 38.
Buried at Saint Nicholas Churchyard, Thames Ditton.
Old Part Grave L S 6.
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Some years ago I spotted the grave in our churchyard and was suppised that the spot was quite neglected ,like so many .It seemed to me that this was so sad that this heroism was not more observed particually on November 11th It has been my privilage to attend the grave forthe last few years on that day to show that he hasent been forgotten
With great sadness
Ray Mears