Lance Sergeant Frederick John Hillyard
Personal Details
- 1888085 Lance Sergeant
- Frederick John Hillyard
- 53 Bomb Disposal Section
- Royal Engineers
Son of Herbert Henry and Violet Maud Hillyard of Birmingham: Husband of Beryl Audrey Hillyard of Bordesley Green, Birmingham.
Died on the19th August 1944. Aged 23.
Buried at Ryes War Cemetery, Bazenville, France.
Grave I.A.4
Sapper E.A. Turner also died at this incident.
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Very proud named after my uncle R.I.P
John frederick cartwright
Hi John,
So pleased to see this information online; we are cousins, uncle Fred was my uncle too! He married my auntie Beryl but was sadly killed before I was born.
I have sent a photograph to the website for them to add to his page.
I have some other photos of their wedding, feel free to get in touch if you’d like me to email them to you.
Warm wishes,
Hi Jean good to hear from you
Yes I would appreciate any information you have on uncle Fred.
My mother Constance mary Cartwright was Fred’s sister
I will be going out to France in a couple of weeks time and will pay our respects while out there
Regards John
Hi John, I have only just seen your reply to me. Sorry for the delay.
I was told that my Aunty Beryl and your Uncle were childhood sweethearts. I have a bible my Nanny gave to him at Christmas in 1937. They married in 1941.
Sadly I don’t know how to download load photos.
Kind regards
Hi Jean, it was good to hear from you, I hope you are keeping well. My email address is and it would be nice if we could email each other regarding Uncle Fred and possibly discuss our family in more detail. Please feel free to contact me if you so wish, it would be lovely to hear off you. Best regards John
Hi Jean
Good to hear from you
My mother Constance Mary Cartwright is Fred sister
I am going to France in a couple of weeks time and will give
Fred our love from both of us
Hi – I am doing some research into the people on the war memorial board at St Paul’s Church Bordesley Green, Birmingham, and would be interested to hear any more information about Frederick. I’d like to make an information board on some of the people we commemorate so that local kids on school visits can learn more. Please do get in touch if you have anything to share. Many thanks!
Will e mail you in the next couple of days
Hi John. How lovely you went to went you to France to pay your respects and thank you to give my love to Fred. It means a lot to me.
Take care