Sapper Douglas John Hurley
Incident Report
Dellwood Gardens, Ilford
Incident At Dellwood Gardens, Ilford an unexploded bomb was partially uncovered, it was fuzed with a clockwork time delay. On checking the fuze was not ticking. Digging continued to check if another fuze was fitted. As this was being undertaken the bomb detonated Sapper D. J. Hurley and Lance Corporal M. Thorp were killed. Three other Sappers were injured and taken to hospital. It is believed that the vibration caused by the digging may have started the clockwork fuze. Or another fuze was fitted which could have been of the anti-disturbance type. Details taken from Bomb Disposal Casualties of WW11. Chris Ranstead.Personal Details
- 1991263 Sapper
- Douglas John Hurley
- 5 Bomb Disposal Company
Died on the 19th November 1940
Buried at City of London Cemetery, Manor Park.
Square 252. Grave 99859.
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Hi sapper douglas hurley was my grandfather, my nan was 5months pregnant with my mum, finding this has helped my mum find oit what happened, and i myself are very thankfull to you
This was my great grandfather. We live in Southend so some of the family have remained in Essex, I myself went for infantry training in catterick but was discharged with shin splints. It’s an honour to see this article. Many thanks .